Rosch software provides…
Rosch software can be interfaced bidirectionally to any electronic health record (EHR) system that is HL7 compliant.
The most widely used ALLERGY software in United States and Canada.
Our Implementation Process
All of our demonstrations are done via webinar with one of our sales representatives. These demonstrations are tailored to how you practice allergy. Our sales personnel have 20+ years of allergy experience, so Rosch encourages questions during the demonstrations. Rosch wants to ensure the software will work for your practice for years to come. After the demonstration, the practice may request a quote for the software, which our sales team will email. If the customer is interested in interfaces, Rosch asks that the customer contacts their EMR vendor for a quote for their portion of the interface. Our sales team can further explain the interfaces during the demonstration.
Rosch’s contract process is pretty straight forward. Once the quote has been agreed upon for the software, Rosch will send out a pre-contract technical form. Once this has been completed by the practice and their technical staff/vendor, Rosch’s implementation team will have a call with the practice/vendor to review the form. As long as there are no red flags, Rosch will draft and email the contract directly to the practice. After contract has been reviewed and signed, the contract will be executed by Rosch.
Upon completion of contract signing, Rosch will email the pre-implementation information to the practice, which needs to be completed before the implementation can begin. The information consists of specific questions to the operations of your allergy lab and injection room(s) as well as how your network is setup. If need be, Rosch can schedule a call with your practice to further discuss this information in greater detail. Also, during this time, if the practice purchased interfaces, Rosch requests the practice contacts their EMR to help facilitate discussions between Rosch, vendor and practice. Rosch understands this process can be overwhelming, so Rosch tries to help in any way possible in order to have a smooth transition to the new system.
Installation of any software can be extremely stressful, which why Rosch tries to ensure the practice and EMR vendor are ready to go before the installation is scheduled. After installation has occurred, Rosch works with your technical to ensure that all workstations have been properly installed and functioning as well as any hardware peripherals. If the practice purchased an interface, Rosch and EMR vendor starts the process of testing interfaces to ensure proper transferring of data from one system to the next. Once this has been completed and signed off on, Rosch will schedule customer training.
Since our training department has been involved with your practice from time of pre-implementation, Rosch trainers have come to know your practice as well as how your injection clinic functions. Rosch takes the train the trainer approach when training customers. Once Rosch’s implementation department is confident with the installation and testing of the system, our training team will reach out to the customer to schedule. Our trainings are split into three training sessions, which are provided via a LIVE webinar. Rosch recommends a mixing nurse, injection nurse, and provider attend all three sessions. These three individuals would be considered the “superusers” of Rosch. Training manuals and cheat sheets are provided to the practice to help with on-going reference.
Go Live
Congratulations! The day has come to start using your new allergy software. “Go Live’s” can definitely be unnerving, but your practice as well as the Rosch team has done everything in their power to make this a smooth day! Rosch will not be onsite, but Rosch is available if your practice needs anything. We are just a call or email away! If an issue arises, Rosch will help identify the issue. If the issue resides within Rosch, Rosch will attempt to rectify the issue in a timely manner. If the issue involves another vendor, Rosch will work with you to help ensure the vendor understands issue.